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Daftari La Mama Samia will go hand in hand with an initiative to motivate students by giving them “DAFTARI LA MAMA SAMIA’ which is an exercise book that has a picture of HONORABLE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA, DR. SAMIA SULUHU HASSAN.
This book carries a package that symbolizes love, concern for social welfare, courage and restoring students faith and belief that they will eventually achieve their dreams and become independent.
This book will also be a torch for various infrastructure programs to further develop schools that are setup to address particular challenges e.g water, toilets etc
Never have the challenges of basic education been so critical and, never have the means to resolve these challenges been so vast, but these means have thus far been largely unavailable to educators (waelimishaji).
Objective of DarasaniTV
* To discover, develop and nature talents of primary and secondary school children.
* To create a safe platform for Tanzanian students to interact and share experiences on different aspects of their lives
* To provide curriculum based educational content as well and general knowledge including life skills, financial literacy to the student body in Tanzania
Darasani program is an innovative means to offering hope and resources to solve two problems: the delivery of quality education content to all Tanzanian learners including those in rural communities, as well as the need to help teachers and teaching staff acquire teaching content and alternative revenue streams.
Objective of this programm
* To address the curriculum education needs of Tanzania, the girl child and rural communities.
* Alleviating a severe teaching shortage.
* Provide education and alternative sources of income for teachers
These needs will be meet by the creation of an education content delivery network (EdCDN) while also providing income opportunities for teachers.
To improve access to, and the quality of secondary and high school education in Tanzania, with the objective of effecting an increase in attendance, retention and performance of gifted, and vulnerable girls.
We believe that optimism can be taught and positive thinking is a virtue.
We recognize and value the role of parents and guardians in assisting in the achievement of these aims:
* Accountability
* Courage and innovation
* Sustainability
Bintisoma addresses the major challenge of how can all students access quality education content? The project focuses on motivation of the girl child, provision of notebooks, developing educational media to aid students in understanding core education concepts
The broader impact of the project is the development of a model that uses information technology to support linguistically and culturally diverse girls in applying 21st century workforce know-how to their own development as future leaders.
The Bintisoma program will go hand in hand with a good initiative to motivate the girls by giving them a SAMIA MOTHER'S GIFT With a real picture of HONOURABLE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA DOCTOR SAMIA SULUHU HASSAN as a symbol of love, concern for social welfare, Courage and restoring Binti's faith that one day she will re-learn and achieve her dreams and develop academically.